One little problem I am having is that when the Motor starts or stops, It can cause the Arduino to reset. To avoid this, I have initially remove the code that reversed the direction every minute or so.
This is not caused by switch the relays as I have tested this and all three seem to happily switch without issues.
Today I made a couple o changes. I moved the arduino away from the Motor relay and have added a 10uF electrolitic and a small 10nf ceramic across the arduino power. ( I probably need a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor but I dont have one to hand)
This seem to have help a little, but not perfect.
Oh, and it seems the arduino is not compactly isolated from the mains. The USB cable was a tad tingly
useful info here:
Someone else has done something similar here and has included a stabalizer
This is not caused by switch the relays as I have tested this and all three seem to happily switch without issues.
Today I made a couple o changes. I moved the arduino away from the Motor relay and have added a 10uF electrolitic and a small 10nf ceramic across the arduino power. ( I probably need a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor but I dont have one to hand)
This seem to have help a little, but not perfect.
Oh, and it seems the arduino is not compactly isolated from the mains. The USB cable was a tad tingly
useful info here:
Someone else has done something similar here and has included a stabalizer
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